Local WX

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Very Bright Weekend For Lighthouses

This year's International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend was from all accounts, a fantastic two days.
There was a record 447 registrations, four more than last year. On the country tally, Germany came out on top with 60 registrations, five up on 2009.
Australia was the improver with 57, eight more than its record set last year.
Often heard during QSOs with lighthouse stations were comments from others seriously thinking about being involved in the future. Such is the enthusiasm demonstrated for the fun event that already 30 registrations have been made for next year online at the website ILLW.NET
Also in the feedback section are various reports from last weekend, for example Rizal 9M2RDX of West Malaysia detailing how he was part of a team of seven radio amateurs at the Gelang Lighthouse.
Gert PA2LO who went portable with three friends to the Netherland’s Vischpoort lighthouse and enjoyed every minute of it, making many DX contacts.
Members of the Tableland Radio and Electronics Club travelled 300kms to reach the Archer Point Lighthouse north of Cairns in Far North Queensland Australia on a very exposed headland. Dale VK4DMC reports that a total of 36 other lighthouses were contacted on the weekend around Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America.
It was more than a great weekend from the perspective of the Amateur Radio Victoria team VK3WI at the Williamstown Lighthouse and Timeball Tower in the inner west of Melbourne. Up to 40 other lighthouses were logged, mostly VK but also in ZL and G-land.
The 20m band opened up both days with DX worked from Europe, Africa, North America and Martique, plus back-to-back QSOs with a R1 station in Russian Antarctica and then Canada.
Want to know more? Then check out the website ILLW.NET or the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend Facebook page.
Jim Linton VK3PC

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