March 15th, 2011 at 2:21 am by Bill Steffen under Bill's Blog, News, Weather

<–click to enlarge. According to
this site at the USGS, 3 of the strongest 6 earthquakes since 1900 have occurred in the last 8 years (the Japanese earthquake hasn’t been added yet, but it was a magnitude 9.0). If you look at the 12 strongest earthquakes since 1900, only one occurred before 1950 and 11 of 12 have occurred since 1950. All of the top 15 have occurred in the “
Pacific Rim of Fire“. Also, more interesting quake/tsunami videos
here. And, I’m just passing it along, not endorsing it, but
some Russian scientists think the U.S. is now vulnerable to a large quake. There has also been talk of the full moon.
This Saturday’s full moon occurs when the moon is closer to the Earth than at any time over an 18 year period. So, this full moon will look slightly bigger and it will cause higher than usual tides. Everyone I’ve read,
including NASA feels that the moon had nothing to do with the Japanese quake of 3/11.
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